Facts About Springbok National Animal of South Africa
Facts About Springbok National Animal of South Africa are widely distributed over the country. Due to game farming they are widely distributed on game farms throughout South Africa. As South Africa is the 25th largest country by land area & 24th most populous in the world. About 80 percent of South Africans are of sub-Saharan African ancestry. The remaining population consists of Africa’s European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial ancestry. South Africa is also known as rainbow nation.

1) The springbok is a medium-sized brown and white animal.
2) It runs extremely fast at maximum speed of 97km/hr.
3) Springbok can take a jump of 4 mtr in air.
4) Springbok is 150-195 cm in length.
5) They weight between 30-44 kg.
6) Length of the tail is 15-30 cm.
7) They have two horns and average length of horn is 35 cm.
8) They eat grasses and can live without drinking water over years.
9) Leopards, cheetahs, hyenas and lions are the springbok’s primary predators.
10) The export of springbok skins from South Africa, is also a booming industry. There meat is also prized fare.
11) The springbok is currently the national animal of South Africa.
12) They use to move in long herds and in old times use to be in thousands.
13) They are mainly active in day time and less in night.
14) Difference between male and female springbok:- body built and horns of male are more stronger, heavy and more in length than female.
15) Life span of springbok is maximum upto 10 years.
16) Springbok is in Top 5 antelope species for hunting liked by hunters.
17) Its Also bought for its tasteful meat.
18) Springbok usually mate during dry season and there gestation period is 24 weeks. Then after a new springbok is born.
19) Young springbok are kept hidden in bush or long grasses for couple of days after birth and When they get 6 months old they also stop getting milk feed from mothers.
20) Female get sexually mature at 1 year age and males get mature at usually 2 years.
I hope these are quite a lot Facts About Springbok National Animal of South Africa to know about, to completely understand them.